Ned Leavitt

In Graduates, New York by jan_mfp

Ned LeavittNed started music by singing in his church choir which exposed him to sacred music, chanting and celebratory hymns.  Later he took up trumpet until he became a teenager and got more involved in vocal music.

He was exposed to all kinds of singing from art songs to musical comedy, from renaissance choral music to barbershop. In college he studied both orchestral and choral conducting and also arranged some music for theatrical productions. He also learned guitar and sang in bars and coffee houses. Recently he has been an African drumming enthusiast, a didgeridoo player and has become devoted to kirtan which is sacred Hindu chanting accompanied by harmonium. At age 62 he started piano lessons.

Ned’s experiences in group leading include directing for the theater, conducting choirs and choruses, training to lead gestalt therapy groups, leading empowerment support groups and guiding wilderness vision quests.  He enjoys a full range of musical expression from ukulele humor to soulful spiritual chanting.

Ned aims to combine thoughtful advance planning with spontaneous response to what the group offers.  Because of his background in theater as an actor and director, he am very animated and tries to combine energetic encouragement with alert listening to sense where to go next. He believes strongly in the “wisdom of the group” and always want to be attuned to where the group wants to go. He strives to combine patience with a willingness to jump in, take risks and push the envelope.