MFP is “My Favorite Place” on this planet. Only in my dreams did I think I could find 75 people that enjoyed improvising as much as I did…all in one room?!
Before starting this program, I had never performed music, never jammed with anyone, and certainly never sang! I had some piano lessons from the ages of 7 to 13… off and on, and continued to be more attracted to improvising than reading music for the next 40 years! During my 20’s I had a frustrating dancing career due to yoyoing body weight. I then created a system of weight management in Do It! Or DIET®, my workbook, and will soon be launching an interactive program on the internet called, “Count 2 Indulge”. 12 years ago, at my first MfP workshop, my music improvisation addiction started! A highly contagious addiction too! I traveled four times a year from Hollywood, Florida to pursue my degree and get my fix! It changed my life entirely. Fear became my friend! For several months i got to play keyboards at Unity on the Bay in Miami, in a contemplative service with chanting, music and meditation. I even got to improvise during the meditation … What a dream!
My upcoming program is a buffet for the mind, body and spirit that satisfies your every hunger. I assist my clients by providing simple jingles and fun tools to achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle. “Count2Indulge” removes the fear, boredom and yo-yo effects that are normally associated with typical dieting programs today. Education Not Deprivation is my alternative to dieting, along with creative expression, meditation tools, and acknowledging mind and speech patterns. We have lots of fun while learning a typically difficult goal…weight management! I also have monthly mfp jams at my new home in Flagler Beach, Florida where I am also preparing to showcase an improv open mic night called “Expresso Yourself” for all expressive arts in Flagler Beach, Fl. Finding my voice in my music and body was the best medicine for this once very timid and frustrated lady!
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