MFP is “My Favorite Place” on this planet. Only in my dreams did I think I could find 75 people that enjoyed improvising as much as I did…all in one room?! Before starting this program, I …
Michael DeMaria
Michael’s fluid and inspirational teaching style emerges out of his natural love for people, the creative process and his life mission to help others wake up to the miracle of being. He weaves his natural …
Jan Magray
Once one learns how to jam, you end up making music with the most interesting people of all ages. I am busily creating a new product that will make music in the moment accessible to …
Ann Rogers
I loved my teacher and progressed well. When I was 7 or 8, I was given a new teacher. She put a piece of music in front of me with lots of notes. I was …
Arianna Rose
is a professional singer, vocal coach, theatre director and lyricist currently living in Florida. She holds a BA in Theatre from Bucknell University with a concentration in music. Upon graduating Music for People’s Musicianship & Leadership Program, Arianna …
Amala Viola
Carolyn “Amala” Viola’s musical journey has been richly vast and varied. She is a Music for People graduate of both the Music Leadership and Musicianship programs. She joyfully proclaims, “Finding Music for People, where spirit, …