Discover Your Inner MusicHow We Can Help You
Music Improvisation Workshops
Learn about social music improvisation through online and in person workshops throughout the calendar year.
Event Calendar
Check out our Event Calendar to find the dates and locations of the next workshop.
Click Me!Proven Training Program
Our Musicianship and Leadership Program helps you bring social music improvisation to your schools and community.
Proven Training Program
Learn how to lead social music improvisation gatherings or add improvisation activities to your curriculum.
Click Me!Supportive Community
Be part of a musical community that supports musical and creative expression.
Musical Self-Expression
Members have created many books and CDs that can support your musical and creative process.
Click Me!Workshops and Events
It's All AboutMaking Music
Deep Listening
Loving Your Sound
Mindfulness through Music

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Find the Joy of Your MusicMore in the Blog
New Streaming Tracks from Collab Lab
January 26, 2024Collab Lab Now Streaming
June 5, 2023The Bundt Pan: The Unofficial Official MfP Instrument
March 3, 2023VIEW MORE